The Top 5 Best Esports Moments In 2017
“And the crowd goes wild!”
This phrase is not often unheard from the commentators during an amazing moment of a sports event . Whether you are an avid fan or someone who just doesn’t get the craze, you probably have witnessed some moments in sporting events that just leave you in awe and live on in your mind for years to come. Well, such moments do exist in esports too!
Read More: This Month’s Dota 2 Events In Asia
In the past year alone, we have seen some amazing plays and action from various games throughout the esports hemisphere. We here at Bountie have chosen our top 5 esports moments in 2017 and even though some are not exactly earth shattering moments, we think that they do deserve a watch.
“The enemy under your nose” — Mousesports beats EnVyUs in Counter-Strike: GO
Sometimes the best offense is defense. During the EU qualifier of the ESL Oakland CS: GO tournament, Team Envyus was going up against Team Mousesports in the map of Train. In the video, Mousesports (Terrorist side) had pushed into Bombsite A, amidst retaliating gunfire from members of Envyus trying to defend the bombsite. There were deaths on both sides, but the bomb eventually starts its planting at 0:16 into the video.
However, Styko (Mousesports) had planted the bomb in the thick of a smoke grenade’s cloud, and unbeknownst to him, Happy1 (Envyus) was already hiding in that smoke cloud. The moment the bomb hits the ground, Happy1 began defusing it and with Mousesports oblivious to the happening, Envyus had defused the bomb and taken that round. I guess sometimes stealth does beat going in guns-blazing.
“To survive is not enough; one must also excel” -Team Admiral’s Gabbi Cheats Death
Outnumbered? Check. One hit away from dying? Check. Problem? Not really!
During the 2017 MGPL Dota 2 tournament, player Gabbi from Team Admiral (a Southeast Asian Dota 2 team) not only balances on the edge of death, he also brings those that dare challenge him into the great beyond. Oh, and he seems to do it with such grace and resilience as well. With a total of 3 enemy players closing in on and surrounding him, he manages to finish off the first one and still pull away from the other two.
With health points just a hit away from death, he manages to dispatch the remaining two enemies with the help of an ally. In a situation in which I would have just panicked and lose control, Gabbi manages to stay calm and weasel his way out of death, even having the time to sell and buy a Blink at the side shop. Amazing play.
Never Leave Your Backdoor Open — Impunity‘s Home Turf Dominance In Vainglory
The Vainglory 2017 World Championship was held in Singapore last year. This time, we see our homegrown team (Impunity) going up against powerhouse Ace Gaming. In this video, the two teams battle it out, with Ace gaming making inroads into Impunity’s base and the latter pushing back hard against the attack.
However, the main highlight starts at 6:30, whereby creatioN from Ace gaming decides to slip through the Jungle quietly towards Impunity’s base, all while the main action was happening in mid lane. It was only when Quatervois from Impunity spotted him that their team realize what was going on and the gravity of the situation. creatioN headed towards Impunity’s base, traversing their wall, and was primed to destroy Impunity’s main crystal.
Quatervois, along with his other teammates, can only watch helplessly as creatioN reached the crystal way ahead of them and destroyed it before Impunity could really do anything about it. Perhaps not the most exciting of endings, but one that we (especially Impunity) won’t be forgetting soon.
“He who is not with me, is against me”- Fl0w3R Power In Overwatch World Cup
Okay so this video isn’t exactly about one amazing moment, but rather a montage of Fl0w3R’s excellent finesse with Widowmaker during the Overwatch World Cup 2017. Fl0w3R is currently on the inactive roster of the New York Excelsior, the team representing New York, USA, in the Overwatch League. Often considered as one of the most versatile and well-rounded players of Overwatch, this video shows that Fl0w3R is not just a jack of all trade and master of none.
His excellent skills with Widowmaker just shines through in this video. No one seems to be safe when he picks off enemy players one by one, with the accompaniment of cheering from the crowd.
Just sit back, relax and let this highly-skilled and visually pleasing gameplay do the rest of the talking.
Fnatic’s miracle comeback to Quarterfinal spot In League of Legends
Fnatic’s League of Legend team managed to beat out GIGABYTE Marines (GAM) to secure their spot on the qualifier of the 2017 League of Legends World Championship. They had lost their opening three games of the group stage and needed to beat GAM to move ahead in the championship. You can read the full article by and understand the close and tough fight between Fnatic and GAM in their match-up. One of the highlights is Fnatic stealing the Baron kill right from under GAM’s nose which really got them back into the hopes of winning that round. OAZIZGOOD (Fnatic) even managed to pull off a quick double kill when Fnatic was escaping from GAM after killing Baron.
We always believe that you are never out of a game until the moment you give up and accept defeat. If you have any other great esports moments from last year, do feel free to share with us. Have a great weekend!
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