Here Are The Best Beginner Tips For God Of War
God of War is an awesome action game with a breathtaking story and really fun combat mechanics. It is also very tough, especially if this is your first God of War game. Even veterans will have a tough time getting the hang of the more intimate and duel-like nature of the game’s new combat system.
Fortunately, we’ve played a lot of it so we can give you these tips to start you off the game without any frustration whatsoever.
Parry, parry, parry.
The best offence is a good defence. This timeless rule applies here. If you parry at the right time, you get to recover first and counterattack. So practice the timing and get the frames down pat in the first few hours. After a few hours when the game throws even more enemies at you, the parry animation works to your advantage because its range affects enemies in front of you. So master it well.
The down d-pad button is your best friend.
In God of War, you will get a lot of indicators popping up to warn you if an enemy is going to attack you from the back. This is where you press down on the d-pad and then guard the attack.
When all else fails, tap/double-tap X to dodge.
Roll out if you see an unblockable attack coming your way; that’s usually an attack where a red circle flashes during its startup animation. Everything else can be blocked, parried, and reflected. But hey, go nuts with the X-tapping if you think you can’t block and parry on time.
Don’t spam attacks (too often).
As fast as Kratos’ attacks are, they do have recovery time, especially with some moves involving the Leviathan Axe. This is where enemies will take a cheap shot at you. If you’re fighting Draugr grunts without shields? Spam your Lights and Heavies away!
Never back yourself into a corner.
There is nothing as frustrating as being mobbed by 3 unflinching draugrs and reavers and not being able to dodge out of the way. Be sure to actively roll away from corners when possible. It can be hard if you’re in the frenzy of a fight, but it makes you survive longer.
Push enemies off the cliffside/river/lava pool when possible.
You’ll still get XP and items if you use the “cheap” method of ringing out your opponents. This can also work on the Dark Elves, but only if they’re on their feet. The best weapons to push enemies is the Shield/Melee combo; Kratos has a Spartan kick that pushes enemies back a considerable distance. This tactic is especially useful when you’re doing Muspelheim trials.
Get these early skills for your weapons.
Leviathan Axe: Executioner’s Cleave (Melee), Grinding Storm (Melee), and Precision Throw Combo (Ranged). The axe deals great damage and gives you a precision bonus if you pull off axe headshots. They can also trip enemies so they fall on their butts and be temporarily incapacitated. With the two melee moves we suggested, you can reap more bonuses from the former heavy attack and the latter’s light area-of-effect multi-hitting move.
Guardian Shield: Block Break, Guardian Sweep, Countering Strike. The fists-and-shield can stun enemies faster which means you can pull off quick time attacks to instant-kill them. Having an attack that breaks enemy blocks and having a counter that pushes enemies back is essential in crowd control and getting enemies stunned quicker.
Talon Bow/Atreus: Shock Conduit, Teamwork, Acrobatics. Your son is useful after he gets his bow and after you unlock the first few skills in his skill tree. Maxing his skill tree out means that he gets 4 special shots that recharge quick, and picking these three skills can make Kratos’ life easier when dealing with a big group of Draugr and Reavers.
Never, ever start your first playthrough on God of War mode.
Trust me; you’ll regret it. We know you want to prove your hardcoreness, but there are so many changes and curveballs in this mode, you will “get rekted”, big time. Enemy patterns are tougher to suss out, and they can power up if you so much as damage them for a bit. Also, unlike games like Bayonetta, starting over on the hardest setting does not carry your loot, items, and upgrades over.
Just suck it up, play the entire game on either Normal or Hard, and THEN try out God of War mode.
Take Your Time, And Explore!
God of War is a 20–30 hour game. Take your time playing the game. Explore the corners and realms of this new Norse landscape. Play the trials of Muspelheim. Try your luck at getting a huge treasure haul from the Nifelheim mists. Partake in sidequests to get the materials you need for that awesome set armour so that Kratos looks more badass.
You’ll get more out of the game than the guys who rush through its story mode. Plus, this game is beautiful; take in the sights of the Norse realms whether you’re trudging by foot or wading by boat.
Originally published at on April 20, 2018.