Bountie Platform Mockups Revealed…
In our previous post, we briefly talked about the birth of Bountie and how it would change my life and gamers’.
Today, we would like to show you how.
For the past 5 to 6 months, we have been researching games’ dashboard in the market, looking at why we love or hate them. Through careful UI and UX thought process, we created our mockups from ground up.
As designers and developers, we really like Heroku’s look and feel. The purple brought out a premium & royal feel that we really like and this video “Why Don’t Country Flags Use The Color Purple?” really explains why.
Our aim is to create a dashboard that’s not just intuitive, simple to navigate and yet beautiful and slick aesthetically so that gamers like you and I would be excited to log in and use. We imagine this would be the platform you interact with and use 8 to 14 hours a day!
First we start with Our Sign Up and Sign In pages would have a running background video of the games that we’ll be listing on Bountie Platform. This adds a sense of familiarity to the gamers who have spent numerous hours on their favourite games, the video on their peripheral brings in the an anticipation and the feeling of excitement, making us can’t wait to sign up/sign in and play now.
Our on-boarding flow consist of 5 main parts at the moment.
As we all know from the best web/mobile apps, an on-boarding flow helps a new user to understand the main features of your platform. This allows them to quickly do the tasks that they need to accomplish quickly and do the thing that they really want to do, which in our case is START PLAYING! Once our platform is up, the flow will change as we start user acceptance testing(UAT) and add new features.
Next we look at the adding of friends and creating of party.
Once your party is ready to kick ass, you as the party leader can start a game. There would be a final confirmation to make sure that all players are ready as there won’t be a cancelation button once the search starts. This is to ensure that everyone is ready and there would be no backing out of the match until it ends. Whether you’re playing in the Leaderboard or Tournament style in our platform, we want all players to treat this seriously just like how other gamers would, every single match counts and this user flow is to reduce the number of leavers in game as we all know how frustrating it can be.
Now, this is my favourite screen. The match results. This page will pull the data from the match and display the stats over here depending on which games you played.
Now for those who are more financially conscious, this would be the view of your Bountie In-Game Wallet. You would be able to Add Funds, Payment Method,Withdraw Funds and view your Transaction History.
This is the first draft of our Bountie Platform that we have released and revealed to the public, including our friends, family, investors and fellow gamers. So far the feedback have been very encourage and positive, however we are constantly looking for critical feedback on how we can improve our design so that it’s easier to understand, use and yet looks stunningly beautiful.
Here’s a shout out to interested gamers to join our platform’s Alpha Signup, do so quickly, we are only looking for 50,000 gamers and the list is filling fast.
Otherwise, do join our telegram, we’ll love to have a chat with you.