
Bountie Had Its Family Day!

Bountie Gaming
7 min readJul 27, 2018


Kindly and proudly organised by Lex, our Chief Executive Officer, Bountie recently held its first official Family Day at the beautiful W Hotel in Sentosa! It was an extra fun day for all, as our loved ones got to take part in Bountie’s bonding madness; everyone was invited: friends, families, significant others too! Even more special was the fact that we had the opportunity to show them, through our Townhall, the type of work we do, the great progress we’ve made and the kind of company we really are.

Bountie Townhall

The first item on the agenda was the Townhall. Kicking off the presentation was Jose, our Chief Performance Officer, master of the company huddle and always the most energetic person in the room! Setting the stage with his classic combination of inspirational speech and physical comedy, Jose was the perfect person to start us off. He got everyone pumped up for the day’s festivities, and introduced Bountie’s newest team members using hilarious photos and quotes collected by their friends in the company.

A hard act to follow, Ariel certainly held her own when talking about the success of Bountie’s recent marketing campaigns, which were based on the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The ‘Bend it like Bountie’ campaign involved clicking a football widget on our website to activate a pop-up box inviting the user to whitelist for our ICOs. While the ‘Guess the Winner’ campaign offered the user a chance to win Bountie Tokens then and thereby correctly predicting the winner of the World Cup.

Daniel, the Chief of Marketing himself, followed this up with some seriously impressive charts and numbers! For example, in terms of Market Outreach, the Bountie website received over 162,000 page views and 53,075 new visitors! We also built a community of 23,130 followers on Telegram, are supported by 1,500 influencers and have been covered by 22 different coin publications! It is amazing to see how tremendously the public’s awareness of, and trust in, the Bountie movement has grown, and continues to grow!

One’s of the Townhall’s biggest highlights was when Check, our Chief Gaming Officer, introduced Bountie’s brand new Creative Department! Excitingly, they gave us a sneak preview of Bountie’s first game-style video, which was directed by Kim and starred some of our wittiest team members: Ariel, Jose, Kat and Sabir! It was a hilarious trivia video about the recent World Cup, which had all of us in stitches, as we witnessed how crazy, funny and competitive Bountie can be.

Check further announced plans to move forward with Bountie’s very own esports Arena! Through strategic government partnerships, Check and his team were able to secure an awesome location — Fusionopolis at One-North, the social and technological hub of Singapore! As he revealed its design concepts, amenities, tournament ideas, and marketing strategies, we recognised immediately just how cool and fun the Arena is going to be. We cannot wait to open up the space to the public, and to visit it ourselves so we can game with our friends.

Full of firsts, the Townhall presentation also showcased the demo version of Bountie’s platform, which was created by Darren, our Chief Operating Officer, and his hardworking team at Fixx Digital. Darren’s great taste and eye for detail truly shone through here, as he ran us through the various features of the platform and unveiled its beautifully organic and kinetic design. The visuals were stunning! Everyone was so impressed. As the graphics moved together with the movement of the mouse, it created the most satisfying user experience. This, combined with the stylish layout and colour scheme, made for an immensely attractive design!

Read More: Full Product Update

Finally, Lex, our warm and charismatic leader, concluded the presentation with a discussion about Bountie’s areas of focus. That is, the road toward launching our main product; our upcoming ICO (23 September!); and details of the company’s equity, shareholders and investors (Series A), which will be shared with the public soon! More than this, it was heart-warming to see Lex’s genuine passion for, and commitment to, the Bountie team, as he relayed his own personal goal of achieving one-on-one communication with each member, so as to remain engaged with every piece and person of the family.

Game Time

When the Townhall presentation was finished, we immediately got stuck into the games portion of the day. Led by Daniel and Jose, it involved activities aimed to unite, but also ones in which we could compete. We split up into two teams: the Flaming Dragons versus the Dragon Slayers!

The first game was dubbed the String Game and involved making connections — literally — with other people in the room. Standing in a circle, the person holding the ball of string would say a lesser-known fact about themselves; if anyone identified with their statement, the ball would be tossed to the next speaker to form a link between them.

For example, one team member stated that they had never farted before in their life! As no one else agreed with them (nor believed them), they came up with a second fact, which was just as astonishing: they admitted that they like to hold in their pee. Shockingly, two people raised their hands in agreement! It is safe to say we were all dying with laughter. Eventually, a web of associations was created between every participant, showing how united — no matter how outrageous — we are as teammates and as friends.

Appropriately, the next game concerned a detangling of sorts. The two teams would each have to knot their arms together in a random, locking formation and then unravel themselves, without letting go, to reveal a perfect circle; the fastest team would be declared victorious. 1–0 to the Flaming Dragons! Indeed, they were there to win!

The following two games encouraged us to think outside the box. The first game required us to use every single resource we were given to attach a candle, standing upright, to the side of the box. Both teams thought they had found the answer at least twice, and both times they were wrong! Each side showed great hustle, but unfortunately, there could only be one winner. Thanks to Lex’s genius, the Dragon Slayers were the first to figure it out, though only by the skin of their teeth. 1–1! The battle was back on!

The second game was a riddle, which involved putting ten cows into seven boxes. This one took a little longer than the judges expected. The answer was right in front of us. Rather than trying to fit ten actual cows into seven boxes, the answer was to put T-E-N-C-O-W-S (seven letters) into seven boxes. Though it took them a long, long, long time, when the Dragon Slayers finally managed to crack the code, a huge ohhhhhhh! swept the room. 2–1 to the Dragon Slayers! Tensions were starting to build. There was only one game left to decide the fate of the forfeit.

The final game was a Banana Race, inspired by the Japanese game show, Gaki No Tsukai! It was definitely the funniest game of the day. The male members of the team were especially competitive, as they sprinted around our homemade track. The MVP award for this game goes out to Michael, who invented a new jumping tactic, which gained his team a massive lead and knocked his opponent out of the ring. Of course, the other players all followed suit and the Banana Race became a thrilling one indeed! Not without trying, the Flaming Dragons failed to catch up to the Dragon Slayers, who won in a landslide.

The overall champions, then, were the Dragon Slayers, as they defeated the Flaming Dragons in a devastating 4–1 win.

The last item on the agenda was a group dinner at one of the hotel’s restaurants. Surrounded by gorgeous food, family, friends and good conversation, it was a perfect end to Bountie’s first Family Day — a truly apposite title, for Bountie really is one happy family.

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Bountie Gaming
Bountie Gaming

Written by Bountie Gaming

Bountie is a platform for gamers to earn a living from gaming.

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