GTA Trilogy Remastered: Akankah Rilis Tahun Ini?Setelah banyak spekulasi tentang kabar GTA Trilogy Remastred, sepertinya kita harus bersabar menunggu lagi hal ini untuk terealisasi. Sejak…Sep 3, 2021Sep 3, 2021
Cara Menghasilkan Uang Dari Game. Yuk Lihat Sumber Penghasilannya!Saat ini kamu bisa menghasilkan uang dari game, lho. Lihat saja banyaknya tim esports yang sukses dengan pendapatan yang sangat tinggi…Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
Type of Gamers: Which One Are You?Games have existed for a long time. The more advanced the technology, the more games exist with various genres. Even mobile games have been…Aug 6, 20213Aug 6, 20213
Tipe-tipe Gamers: Kamu Termasuk yang Mana?Permainan game sebenernya sudah eksis sejak lama. Semakin maju teknologi maka semakin banyak pula game yang bermunculan dengan genre yang…Aug 6, 2021Aug 6, 2021
Mengatur Team eSports: Skill dan TantanganKita sudah membahas tentang eSport Behind The Scene, bagaimana menjalankan tournament dan event, namun bagaimana dalam mengatur team itu…Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021
Managing eSports Team: The Skills and Its ChallengesWe have talked about eSport Behind The Scene, how is it like to run an eSport tournament and event, but how to manage the team itself? What…Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021
Exercises for Gamers to Improve Gaming SkillProfessional gamer players are most likely gamer lovers themselves. They enjoy the excitement and adventure while playing games. However…Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
Olahraga Gamers Untuk Meningkatkan Gaming SkillProfessional gamer players kemungkinan besar adalah penikmat gamers itu sendiri. Mereka menikmati keseruan dan petualangan saat main game…Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
eSports Behind the Scene: What it is Like to Run a Professional Event?Are you curious about how eSports works behind the scene? What are the challenges the crews encounter when they run a show and a…Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021
eSports Behind the Scene: Bagaimana Rasanya Menjalankan Professional Event?Are you curious about how eSports works behind the scene? What are the challenges the crews encounter when they run a show and a…Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021